Pretender Dictionary A-I
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As this dictionary is so big, I've broken it down into three lots. This is the first. A legend will help you to understand the organisation of the dictionary.
A Stand Up Guy - see Stand Up Guy, A
A Virus Among Us - see Virus Among Us, A
Abbot, Roy - character in Every Picture Tells A Story
Abraham - Jarod's alias in Meltdown
Abyss - drug used to aid in interrogation of POWs (Survival)
Accountant (Vronski) - occupation of Jarod's in season one (The Better Part of Valor)
Adams - Jarod's alias in Exposed
Advanced Adult - standard of Jarod's swimming ability when he finished taking swimming lessons in season one (Every Picture Tells A Story)
Advisor, Congressional - see Congressional Advisor
Agent Blaine - see Blaine, Agent
Agent, Department of Energy - see Department of Energy Agent
Agent, Texas Bureau of Investigation - Jarod's occupation in Meltdown
Agent Timson - see Timson, Agent
Agent Of The Year Zero - season four episode fourteen (03/11/2000)
Alan Edwards - see Edwards, Alan
Alcatraz Oysters - Jarod's discovery in Angel's Flight
Alligator Wrestler - occupation of Jarod's in season one (Keys)
Allegiance, Pledge of - see Pledge of Allegiance
American Sign Language - see Sign Language, American
Amnesia - season two episode fourteen (03/21/98)
Anatomy Professor (Howard) - Jarod's occupation in Back From The Dead Again
Angel Manor - see Places
Angel's Flight - season four episode three (10/30/99); also dream of Houdini
Angelo - see biography
Annie - character in The Paper Clock
Annie Raines (dec.) - see Raines, Annie
Arcade Games - Jarod's discovery in Indy Cars
Argyle - see biography
Arms Dealer - Jarod's occupation in Homefront
Army Criminal Investigation Division Officer (Stevens) - Jarod's occupation in Survival
Army Intelligence (Turgidson) - Jarod's occupation in (The) Powers That Be
Army Ranger (Patton) - Jarod's occupation in Past SIM
Arsonist (Burns) - Jarod's occupation in Someone To Trust
Assassin (The) - season three episode eleven (02/06/99)
ATF Special Agent (Miner) - Jarod's occupation in Flesh and Blood
At The Hour Of Our Death - season three episode fourteen (02/27/99)
Attorney, Department of Justice (Darrow) - Jarod's occupation in Past SIM
Audrey Price - see Price, Audrey
Author (Heart) - occupation of Jarod's in season two (Gigolo Jarod)
Baby Love - season one episode twenty (05/10/97)
Back From The Dead Again - season two episode one (11/01/97)
Bad Mob Slang - Jarod's discovery in A Stand Up Guy
Bank - season two episode twenty (05/09/98)
Barbequed Grasshoppers - left by Jarod for Miss Parker and Mr Lyle in Survival
Barber - Jarod's alias in Red Rock Jarod
Barker - Jarod's alias in Parole
Barrel of Monkeys toy - Jarod's discovery in Curious Jarod
Bartender - Jarod's occupation in A Virus Among Us
Basketball - Jarod's discovery in Jaroldo!
Bath Toys - left by Jarod for Miss Parker in season one (Every Picture Tells A Story)
Batman - discovery by Jarod in season two (Amnesia)
Baxley, Bernie - character in Curious Jarod and Mr Lee
Bazooka Bubblegum and Comics - Jarod's discovery in Bazooka Jarod
Bazooka Jarod - season one episode thirteen (02/15/97)
Bear, Smokey The - see Smokey The Bear
Bell - Jarod's alias in Wild Child
Benjamin Thomas Miller - see Miller, Benjamin Thomas
Bernie Baxley - see Baxley, Bernie
Betrayal - season three episode five (11/14/98)
Better Part of Valor, The - season one episode ten (01/11/97)
Billionaire (George Harper) - Jarod's occupation in Stolen
Bilson, Lieutenant Commander Paul - character in Every Picture Tells A Story
Bishop, Carl - character in To Serve and Protect
Blaine, Agent - character in The World Is Changing
Blaire, Maggie - subject of Jarod's pretend in Curious Jarod
Blanca - character in Curious Jarod
Blues, The - Jarod's discovery in The Paper Clock
Bloodlines - season two episode twenty-one (05/16/98)
Bobby Bowman - see Bowman, Bobby
Bodyguard - see Ex-cop/Bodyguard
Bomb squad officer (Nobel) - Jarod's occupation in Potato Head Blues
Bounty Hunter (Green) - Jarod's occupation in Hope and Prey
Bowman, Bobby - alternate name for Lyle, Mr [see Lyle's biography]
Bowman, Lyle - adoptive father of Bobby Bowman
Bowman, Martha - adoptive mother of Bobby Bowman
Bracken, Frank - character in Angel's Flight
Bracken, Jessie - character around whom Jarod's pretend is based in Angel's Flight
Bradley Dumont - see Dumont, Bradley
Bridgit (dec.) - see Brigitte
Brigitte (dec.) - see biography
Bradley - Jarod's alias in Prison Story
Brody - Jarod's alias in School Daze
Broots, Mr - see biography
Broots, Debbie - see biography
Buddy - character in Curious Jarod
Buddy Slocum Jnr - see Slocum, Buddy Jnr
Budweiser Frogs - Jarod's discovery in FX
Bull-riding - Jarod's discovery in (The) Paper Clock
Bulletproof - season two episode fifteen (03/28/98)
Bungie-jumping - Jarod's discovery in Over The Edge
Burns - Jarod's alias in Someone To Trust
Butterflies, Pinned - see Pinned Butterflies
C-4 - bomb used in both The World Is Changing and Ghosts From The Past (possible connection between The Centre and Bartlett) [see Bartlett's biography]
Cameraman (Crane) - Jarod's occupation in Jaroldo!
Campbell - Jarod's alias in Every Picture Tells A Story
Candy Canes - Jarod's discovery during Not Even A Mouse
Captain Saunders - see Saunders, Captain
Carl Bishop - see Bishop, Carl
Carl Will - see Will, Carl
Casino Security Chief (Felson) - Jarod's occupation in Curious Jarod
Cassini Probe, NASA - Jarod's claim in The World Is Changing
Catherine Jamieson Parker (dec.) - see Parker, Catherine Jamieson
Centre, The - see Places
Chachies - see Porcelain Chachies
Chamsky, Lieutenant - character in Potato Head Blues
Chance - alias used by Jarod season one
Chance, Game of - see Game of Chance
Charles, Major - see biography
Chess - played by Jarod in the Centre (End Game)
Cheezewiz - see 'Insta-Cheese'
Chia Pets - discovery by Jarod in season two (Bulletproof)
Chicken, Playing - see playing chicken
Chilli Cook - Jarod's occupation in Unhappy Landings
Chilli Pepper Sauce - Jarod's discovery in Pool
Chimichangas - discovered by Jarod in Once In A Blue Moon
Chocolate Milk - Jarod's discovery in Silence
Chris Nashton - see Nashton, Chris
CIA - Jarod's discovery in Grand Master (Profiler)
Cigars - Jarod's discovery in Potato Head Blues
CJ - Angelo's alias (short for Cracker Jack) - [see Angelo's biography]
Clancy, Morris - character in Prison Story
Clay - Jarod's alias in Nip and Tuck
Clay-Doh - Jarod's discovery in Nip and Tuck
Cleaners - Centre operatives who, as the name suggests, clean up after the sweepers have finished their work. Proof of their speed and efficiency can be seen in 'Betrayal'
Cliff-diving - Jarod's discovery in Jaroldo!
Climatologist (Meade) - Jarod's occupation in Quallupilluit
Coast Guard Officer (Spitz) - Jarod's occupation in Every Picture Tells A Story
Cockran, Henry - character in Prison Story
Cochrane - Jarod's alias in Mirage
Cochroaches - see Roaches
Cody - Jarod's alias in Unhappy Landings
Cold Dick - season four episode eleven (02/12/2000)
Collateral Damage - season two episode seven (01/23/98)
Collins, Ronald - subject of Jarod's pretend in Flyer
Colonel Dance - see Dance, Colonel
Commander Powell - see Powell, Commander
Conductor, Philharmonic Orchestra - Jarod's occupation in Flyer
Congressional Adviser - occupation of Jarod's in season two (Over The Edge)
Conman - see Goth Conman
Connelly, Father - friend of Catherine Parker and religious adviser to Mr Raines (The World Is Changing)
Conspiracy Theories - Jarod's discovery in Flyer
Copeland, Tamara - subject of Jarod's pretend in The Better Part of Valor
Corey, John Jnr - Jarod's alias in The Paper Clock
Corn Dogs - Jarod's discovery in School Daze
Corn Man - season four episode eighteen (05/06/2000)
Coroner - Jarod's occupation in Wake Up
Counsellor, Outdoor - see Outdoor Counsellor
Countdown - season three episode fifteen (03/20/99)
Counterfeiter - see Mob Counterfeiter
Cox, Mr - see biography
Cracker Jacks - Angelo's favourite snack [see Angelo's biography]
Crane - Jarod's alias in Jaroldo!
Crash - season two episode seventeen 04/11/98)
Crazy - season three episode one (10/17/98)
Criminal Behaviourist (Profiler) - Jarod's occupation in Once In A Blue Moon
Criminal Psychology Professor (Gardner) - Jarod's occupation in Murder 101
Crockett - Jarod's alias in Toy Surprise
Cross, R.H. - Jarod's alias in Scott Free
Crunchy Crawlers Cereal - Jarod's discovery in A Virus Among Us
Cupid - Jarod's discovery in Gigolo Jarod
Cup O'Soup/Instant Soup - Jarod's discovery in Spin Doctor
Curious George (Children's book) - Jarod's discovery in Curious Jarod
Curious Jarod - season one episode four (10/26/96)
Curtis, Dr - see biography
Cynaide Pills - Jarod's discovery in Grand Master (Profiler)
Dalmation Dogs - Jarod's discovery in The Better Part of Valor
Damon (dec.) - see biography
Dance, Colonel - character in Survival
Dannie Minor - see Minor, Dannie Hilton
Dara Landers (dec.) - see Landers, Dara
Darrow - Jarod's alias in Past SIM
Davy Simpkins - see Simpkins, Davy
DEA psychologist - Jarod's occupation in Silence
Debbie Broots - see Broots, Debbie
Defender - see Public Defender
Demolitions Expert - Jarod's occupation in Ghosts From The Past
Department of Energy Agent (Watts) - Jarod's occupation in The World Is Changing
Department of Justice Attorney - see Attorney, Department of Justice
Detective - Jarod's occupation in End Game (Doyle); Angel's Flight (Waxman)
DeWitt, Dr - see biography
Dexter, Isaac - character in The Paper Clock
Diapers, disposable - Jarod's discovery in Baby Love
Dick Dickson - see Dickson, Dick
Dickson, Dick - Jarod's alias in Cold Dick
Disposable diapers - see Diapers, disposable
Distinguished Flying Cross - medal awarded to Major Charles and kept safe by Kyle and Jarod
Dixon - character in Flyer
DJ (Middle Man) - Jarod's occupation in (The) Powers That Be
Doctor - Jarod's occupation in Potato Head Blues
Doctor, fertility - see Fertility Doctor
Doe - Jarod's alias in Jarod's Honor, Crazy
Dog - see Argyle
Dogs - see Dalmation Dogs
Dolls, Paper - see Paper Dolls
Donoterase - season three episode twenty-one05/22/99)
Doughnuts/Doughnut holes -Jarod's discovery in To Serve and Protect
Doyle - Jarod's alias in End Game
Dr Curtis - see Curtis, Dr
Dr DeWitt - see DeWitt, Dr
Dr Jarod - see Jarod, Dr
Dr Pepper - Jarod's discovery in Curious Jarod
Dr Raines (dec.) - see Raines, Mr (Dr)
Dr Shafton - see Shafton, Dr
Dr Spock - see Spock, Dr
Dr Sydney - see Sydney, Dr
Drachen Jets - Jarod's discovery in Flyer
Dragon House (The) - season one episode twenty-one (05/17/97); see Places
Dream catchers - Jarod's discovery in Hope and Prey
Dream quests - Jarod's discovery in Hope and Prey
Driver - see Truck Driver
Drug Addict (Jones) - Jarod's occupation in Junk
DSA(s) (Digital Simulation Archive) - video record of the history of the Centre
Dumont, Bradley - character in The Paper Clock
Dupont - Jarod's alias in Hazard
Dutchman, The Flying - see Flying Dutchman, The
Earwigs - discovered by Jarod in season three (Once In A Blue Moon)
Edna Raines (dec.) - see Raines, Edna
Edwards, Alan - character in The Paper Clock
Eight (8) - Jarod's favourite number "upright infinity"
Einnad - see Dannie Minor
Ellis - Jarod's alias in Agent of the Year Zero
Elvis - Jarod's discovery in Curious Jarod
Ember - dog in The Better Part of Valor
Emergency Operator (911) - Jarod's occupation in Not Even A Mouse
Emily - see biography
EMT (Randolph) - Jarod's occupation in Under The Reds
End Game - season three episode nineteen (05/08/99)
Ethan - see biography
Every Picture Tells A Story - season one episode two (09/28/96)
Ex-con (Barker) - Jarod's occupation in Parole
Ex-cop/Bodyguard (Gray) - Jarod's occupation in Lifeline
Ex-Green Beret/SAR volunteer (Forest) - Jarod's occupation in Ranger Jarod
Explosives Expert - Jarod's occupation in Potato Head Blues
Exposed - season two episode four (11/22/97)
Extreme - season four episode six (12/04/99)
Exterminator - Jarod's occupation in A Virus Among Us
F-16 Fighter Pilot - Jarod's occupation in Flyer
Fast Food - see Mexican Fast Food
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Agent - Jarod's occupation in Potato Head Blues (Webster); (The) Dragon House (Ness); A Stand Up Guy (Rico); Hostage Rescue Team (Jackson) - Rules of Engagement
Federal Prosecutor - see Prosecutor, Federal
Federal Wildlife Officer - see National Federal Wildlife Officer
Felson - Jarod's alias in Curious Jarod
Fenigor, Mr - see biography
Fertility Doctor (Spock) - Jarod's occupation in Bloodlines
Fighter Pilot - see F-16 Fighter Pilot
Firefighter (O'Leary) - Jarod's occupation in The Better Part of Valor
Fish, Puffer - see Puffer Fish
Fishing Lure - Jarod's discovery in Hazards
Flapjacks - Jarod's discovery in Hope and Prey
Flesh and Blood - season thee episode eight (01/02/99)
Flute, The Magic - see Magic Flute, The
Flyer - season one episode three (10/19/96)
Flying Dutchman, The - discovery made by Jarod in Every Picture Tells A Story
Forest - Jarod's alias in Ranger Jarod
Forrester - Jarod's alias in Bazooka Jarod
Frank Bracken - see Bracken, Frank
Frank Meyers - see Meyers, Frank
Frankenstein - see Horror Movies
Freighter Captain - occupation of Jarod's in season one (Pilot)
Freud - discovered by Jarod in season three (Crazy)
Fruitcake - Jarod's discovery during Not Even A Mouse
FX - season two episode nine (01/17/98)
Gambler (Woods) - Jarod's occupation in Curious Jarod
Game Inventor (Parker) - Jarod's occupation in Prison Story
Game of Chance - Jarod's discovery in Curious Jarod
Game Warden - Jarod's occupation in Curious Jarod
Gang tensions - Jarod's discovery in Jaroldo!
Gant, Air Force Lieutent (Special Projects Officer) Janice - character in Flyer
Gar (cleaner) (dec.) - see biography
Gardens, Marvin - name used by Jarod season one
Gardner - Jarod's alias in Murder 101
Gates of Hell - card with Nazi-like symbol (Angel's Flight)
Gates, Thomas Michael (dec.) - see biography
Gator Wrestler - see Alligator Wrestler
George Harper - see Harper, George
Ghosts From The Past - season four episode thirteen (02/26/2000)
Gigolo - Jarod's occupation in Gigolo Jarod
Gigolo Jarod - season two episode eleven (02/07/98)
Gin, Sapphire - see Sapphire Gin
Gleason, Nancy - character in The Better Part of Valor
Glue - see 'Mighty Stick' Glue
Golf - Jarod's discovery in Cold Dick
Goofus and Gallant - see 'Highlights' Magazine
Goth Conman - Jarod's occupation in Angel's Flight
Goth Culture - Jarod's discovery in Angel's Flight
Grand Master - season three episode nineteen (Profiler) (05/08/99)
Granger, Susan - character in To Serve and Protect and Mr Lee
Grasshoppers, Barbequed - see Barbequed Grasshoppers
Gray - Jarod's alias in Lifeline
Grayson, Nadiel - character in Potato Head Blues
Green - Jarod's alias in Hope and Prey; also sometimes considered to be last name of Sydney, however there is no evidence to prove this [see Sydney's biography]
Greta - mother of Sydney [see Sydney's biography]
Grinder, Herb - character in The Better Part of Valor
Groupies - see Race-Track Groupies
Halloween/Trick or Treating - Jarod's discovery in Back From The Dead Again
Hallstrom - last name used by Jarod in season one (Under The Reds)
Hallstrom's Technique - Jarod's discovery in Under The Reds
Handyman - occupation of Jarod's in season one (Mirage)
Hanlon, Steve - character in Curious Jarod
Harrigan - character in To Serve and Protect
Harold Kembrook - see Kembrook, Harold
Harper, George - Jarod's alias in Stolen
Harriet Tashman - see Tashman, Harriet
Hawk - character in Angel's Flight
Hazards - season two episode eight (01/10/98)
Head of Security - Jarod's occupation in Curious Jarod
Heat vortexes - discovery by Jarod in season one (Flyer)
Heart - last name used by Jarod season two (Gigolo Jarod)
Hell, Gates of - see Gates of Hell
Hellraiser - Jarod's discovery in Nip and Tuck
Henry Cockran - see Cockran, Henry
Henry Monroe - see Monroe, Henry
Herb Grinder - see Grinder, Herb
Herbert, Sonny - see biography
Hickam - Jarod's alias in The World Is Changing
High Fashion Photographer - see Photographer, High Fashion
High School Biology Teacher - see Teacher, High School Biology
High School Guidance Counsellor - occupation of Jarod's in season one (Bazooka Jarod)
Highlighters - Jarod's discovery in To Serve and Protect
'Highlights' Magazine (Goofus and Gallant) - Jarod's discovery in (The) Dragon House
Hillman Marine - see Places
Hitman (Doe) - Jarod's occupation in Jarod's Honor
Holmes - Jarod's alias in The Paper Clock
Homefront - season three episode seven (12/12/98)
Homemade Napalm - Jarod's discovery in FX
Homemade Soup - Jarod's discovery in Spin Doctor
Hope and Prey - season three, episode two (10/24/98)
Horror Movies - Jarod's discovery in FZ
Hostess Sno-Ball Cakes - Jarod's discovery in A Stand Up Guy
Hot Coals, Walking On - see Walking on hot coals
Hot-tubs - Jarod's discovery in Inner Sense
Houdini - discovered by Jarod in season three (Crazy)
Howard - Jarod's alias in Back From The Dead Again
"I decide who lives or dies" - Kyle's catch-cry [see Kyle's biography]
Ice-cream - Jarod's discovery in Pilot
Ice-cream Salesman - Jarod's occupation in Past SIM
I Love Lucy - Jarod's discovery in Survival
INS Agent - Jarod's occupation in Agent Of The Year Zero
Indy Show - season two, episode ten
Infomerical Salesman - occupation of Jarod's in season one (Keys)
Inner Sense - season four episode nineteen (05/13/2000)
Inspector Wolckek - see Wolchek, Inspector
'Insta-Cheese' (Cheezewiz) - Jarod's discovery in The Better Part of Valor
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Agent - Jarod's occupation in Ties That Bind (Tally); Mirage (Buddy Slocum Jnr)
Isaac Dexter - character in The Paper Clock
Ivy - character in Curious Jarod